Hi, thanks for visiting my site. I write long-form articles on pop culture, youth movements, and investigatory topics. Some of my articles are weighty, and some not at all.
I'm also the author of
Blurred Lines: Rethinking Sex, Power, and Consent on Campus, a book that answers many of the questions about sexual consent in national debate.
I'm a contributing writer at The New York Times magazine and Vanity Fair. I've won a National Magazine Award, the magazine equivalent of a Pulitzer, in
profile writing. My cover story
"Gawker and the Rise of the Creative Underclass," was a finalist for the feature writing award, and my profile of
Arianna Huffington was a finalist for The Mirror Award.
I am also a co-founder of
Campside Media, a podcast company devoted to narrative non-fiction storytelling.
I am in awe of the service performed by the
HER Foundation, which helps women with hyperemesis gravidarum, and
Bone Cancer Research Trust U.K., working to solve rare cancers across the pond.
My writing has also been published in
these books as well as mentioned in
these articles.
You can reach me at
vanessagri [at] mac.com, and you can sign up for a newsletter with recent stories and updates
For speaking engagements, please contact Charles Yao.